Estel Mobile Financial Services Platform/Solution

The world of digital payments is evolving constantly with an increasing number of options available to customers. Mobile has evolved as the ‘device of choice’ to cater to the customer’s demand for easy access to their money through electronic wallets. In both developing markets and the mature ones, this transformation now offers a unique opportunity to businesses – telecom companies, banks, Fintechs or retailers – to re-imagine their digital strategies in tune with an experience-centred world.

Estel’s Mobile Financial Services Solution provides banks, fintechs, MNOs and Money Transfer agencies a secure, robust and scalable platform to provide a variety of innovative services that includes:

Mobile money / mobile wallets / e-Wallets

Mobile remittances / money transfer solution

Merchant Payment Solutions

Agency banking

Mobile payments

Card based mobile financial services (m-POS, Micro “Human” ATM)

These innovative applications enable service providers to meet the needs of millions of customers in countries where banking services are not easily available or accessible.

Advantage of Estel's Mobile Financial Services

Increased Market Penetration

Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Increased Operational Efficiency

Faster Expansion into New Markets

Quick and Easy Deployment

Increased Revenues and Growth

Secure & Feature Rich

Estel Mobile Financial Services Platform components 

Estel’s Mobile Wallet

Estel’s Mobile Wallet / Mobile Money / e-wallet is a secure solution that enables banks, MNOs, Money Transfer and Payment Service Providers to tap millions of unbanked customers by allowing them to open virtual bank accounts (m-wallets) directly, or at authorized retail outlets (Banking Agents), move money between these accounts, and make payments for goods & services to merchants from their account.

Flexibility Mobile Wallet Solution:Customer’s mobile wallet account can be a simple cash-based account, or can be linked to customers bank accounts, credit/debit cards, other wallet accounts and other payment methods to enable a universal mobile payments environment.Multiple use cases can be applied for different types of users, such as consumers, merchants, agents, businesses & government. The Estel Mobile Wallet (Mobile Money / e-wallet) solution also includes some innovative modules such as:

  • Mobile payments
  • Salary / Aid Disbursement
  • Dealer to Corporate payments
  • Mobile money transfer / Remittance
  • Merchant Payments
  • Dynamic QR codes
  • NFC/RFID based payments

Mobile payments

Salary / Aid Disbursement

Dealer to Corporate payments

Mobile money transfer / Remittance

Merchant Payments

Dynamic QR codes

NFC/RFID based payments

Estel's Mobile Remittance Platform

Estel’s Mobile Remittance (online money transfer) solution is a secure, feature rich, low cost  and flexible remittance service that will enable your organisation to tap into a growing market. With Estel’s Remittance (online money transfer) solution your customers can send money securely and instantly at any time, either domestically or internationally, wherever they may be by using their wallet or account via their mobile phone. Estel Mobile Remittance Platform enables remittances in various ways:

Between mobile wallets

To unregistered recipients, who collect the remittance in cash from an authorized agent or ATM

Via an authorized agent, with the recipient collecting cash from an authorized agentor ATM

Integration with international remittance operators to enable platforms like Western Union, World Remit etc thereby supporting agent assisted cross-border remittance, both inbound and outbound. 

These Remittance Agents make instant commissions, and their operation is fully managed by a feature rich Agent Management Module

Estel MPOS Solution 

Estel's m-POS Solution is a high availability, robust and flexible solution that can be integrated either with an acquiring bank’s switch or Payment Service Provider’s switch. The distributed architecture is scalable both vertically and horizontally – from catering to thousand customers to millions at a nominal cost. Business benefits of m-POS

  • Penetrate new merchant segments
  • Lower card acceptance costs
  • Improved cash flow
  • Anytime, anywhere card acceptance
  • Access to real time transaction reports
  • Increase card payments transaction volume
  • Wide availability of merchants accepting cards
  • Cashless environment
  • Paperless environment (e-Receipts)
  • Accepts both magnetic stripe & EMV (chip & PIN) cards

Penetrate new merchant segments

Lower card acceptance costs

Improved cash flow

Anytime, anywhere card acceptance

Access to real time transaction reports

Increase card payments transaction volume

Wide availability of merchants accepting cards

Cashless environment

Paperless environment (e-Receipts)

Accepts both magnetic stripe & EMV (chip & PIN) cards

Estel Multipay 

With governments globally pushing cash-less transactions & with the Fintech revolution sweeping all markets, customers now have a plethora of options to make merchant payments, such as:

  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards
  • Plastic & Virtual cards
  • Closed loop / gift cards
  • Direct bank debit via Mobile Banking
  • Mobile wallets / Mobile money
  • QR code
  • Contactless payment and online modes

Credit cards

Debit cards

Plastic & Virtual cards

Closed loop / gift cards

Direct bank debit via Mobile Banking

Mobile wallets / Mobile money

QR code

Contactless payment and online modes

This has led to chaos for merchants, as they are often expected to keep multiple devices to accept transactions from all these methods. Not accepting all methods of payments can lead to opportunity loss for merchants, which is not acceptable in these hyper competitive times.

Estel Merchant Payment Aggregator solution simplifies the payment process for merchants, enabling them to accept digital cash-less payments from all sources via a single android App or device!


Estel has Designed the Mobile Financial Services Platforms to offer numerous benefits that extend to customers, businesses, financial institutions, and economies as a whole. Our vision of fostering financial inclusion, improving quality of lives and driving economic growth using our innovative tech platform helps our customers to offer and efficiently operate them to  customised services. A few key benefits which Estel offers are

Financial Inclusion

A highly scalable and secure platform that enables access to financial services for unbanked and underbanked populations, especially in developing countries where traditional banking infrastructure is limited or inaccessible. 

Enhanced Customer Experience

A Platform that Offers convenience, speed, and ease of use, allowing customers to access their money and perform financial transactions anytime, anywhere. This results in an improved customer experience, which drives customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term engagement.

Cost Reduction

A platform that Reduces the need for physical infrastructure, such as branches and ATMs, as well as overhead expenses associated with traditional banking, enabling organisations to focus resources on innovation and growth.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Streamline processes and automate tasks, allowing businesses to become more agile and efficient with the ability to adapt to market changes quickly.

Expanded Market Reach

Facilitate market penetration by making it easier to reach new customer segments and geographic areas. 

Increased Customer Loyalty

Enables By offering of  personalized and innovative services that cater to evolving customer needs. 

Higher Revenue and Growth Potential

Open up new revenue streams and business opportunities by enabling various financial services on the platform.  

Robust Security

Mobile Financial Services Platforms employ advanced encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure secure transactions and data protection, maintaining customer trust and confidence in the platform.

Technology and Features 

Made for the Digital world with features that enhance its capabilities and make it a comprehensive solution for Telcos & financial institutions. Some of these technological features include:

Cloud-Based Architecture

Estel's platform uses a cloud-based architecture, which allows for rapid deployment, easy scalability, and efficient resource management. This enables businesses to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs. However if required the Estel MFS platform can be deployed on a local on-premise Data center as well.


While a SOA architecture is supported , the latest version of the Estel MFS platform can be deployed on a microservices architecture, which allows for the modular development and deployment of individual services. This ensures flexibility, maintainability, and easier integration with other systems and services.

AI and Advanced Data Analytics

Estel is investing in AI and advanced data analytics integration to enhance its platform's capabilities. This enables personalized customer experiences, better decision-making, and more effective targeting of services based on customer behaviour and preferences.

Secure & Feature-Rich Solution

Prioritizes security and offers a robust set of features, ensuring the protection of user data and transactions. This helps maintain customer trust and confidence in the platform.

Integration Capabilities

Designed to integrate with various systems, such as Core Banking Solutions, national financial switch, card systems, international remittance platforms and other payment methods, providing seamless connectivity and interoperability.

Multiple Access Channels

Supports various access channels, such as mobile apps, web interfaces, SMS, and USSD (to support feature phones), ensuring broad accessibility and a user-friendly experience for customers.

Flexible Mobile Wallet Solutions

offers flexibility in mobile wallet account types, allowing users to have simple cash-based accounts or link their wallets to bank accounts, credit/debit cards, and other payment methods, enabling a universal mobile payments environment.

Innovative Modules

 Innovative modules such as mobile payments, salary/aid disbursement, dealer to corporate payments, mobile money transfer/remittance, dynamic QR codes, and NFC/RFID-based payments.

World view

Mobile Financial Services Platforms (MFSPs) are revolutionizing how we manage money. Imagine carrying your bank in your pocket, accessible 24/7. MFSPs offer this convenience, letting you ditch bank queues and manage finances on the go. They're not just handy, they're bringing financial inclusion to unbanked populations

The increasing adoption of Mobile Financial Services Platforms globally highlights the growing recognition of their potential to drive financial inclusion and economic growth. These platforms are especially relevant in developing countries, where they have the potential to transform the lives of millions of unbanked and underbanked individuals by providing access to formal financial services.

Moreover, the rapid advancements in mobile technology, internet connectivity, and digital payments infrastructure have further fueled the growth of Mobile Financial Services Platforms worldwide. Governments, regulatory bodies, and international organizations are also supporting this growth by implementing policies and initiatives that promote digital financial services and financial inclusion.

Mobile Financial Services Platforms are playing a significant role in shaping the future of finance, fostering financial inclusion, and driving economic growth on a global scale. As technology continues to evolve and the world becomes increasingly connected, these platforms are expected to play an even more prominent role in delivering innovative and accessible financial services to people around the world.

Value Proposition:

As mobile phone emerges as the preferred choice for seamless financial transactions, we empower Telecom Operators, Fintechs, Payment Providers & Banks to stay ahead of the curve. From mobile wallets to innovative money transfer and comprehensive merchant payment solutions, our platform caters to diverse needs, especially in regions underserved by traditional banking. 

Experience unparalleled market penetration, heightened customer loyalty, and robust growth, all while ensuring top-notch security and efficiency. Partner with Estel and embrace a future where financial services are accessible, secure, and centered around seamless customer experience.

As mobile phone emerges as the preferred choice for seamless financial transactions, we empower Telecom Operators, Fintechs, Payment Providers & Banks to stay ahead of the curve. From mobile wallets to innovative money transfer and comprehensive merchant payment solutions, our platform caters to diverse needs, especially in regions underserved by traditional banking. 

Experience unparalleled market penetration, heightened customer loyalty, and robust growth, all while ensuring top-notch security and efficiency. Partner with Estel and embrace a future where financial services are accessible, secure, and centered around seamless customer experience.

What is a Mobile Financial Services Platform

A Mobile Financial Services Platform lets you access various financial products and services using a mobile phone. It is a comprehensive digital solution that enables financial institutions, Banks, telecom companies, fintech’s, payment service providers and other businesses to offer & efficiently operate a wide array of financial services. The platform aims to increase financial inclusion, especially for unbanked and underbanked populations, by leveraging the ubiquity of mobile phones and the convenience of digital transactions.

Key components of a Mobile Financial Services Platform may include:

  • Mobile Wallets / e-Wallets
  • Mobile Payments
  • MPOS solutions 
  • QR code led payments 
  • Remittances / Money Transfer
  • Agency Banking
  • Merchant payment solutions 
  • and a host of other services that can be enabled on Estel platform by building a rich ever-growing eco-system.

Estel MFS platform can be deployed on a SOA architecture as well as on the cloud, is built on microservices, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and rapid deployment. Integration with AI and advanced data analytics further enhances the platform's capabilities, providing personalized customer experiences and meeting the challenges of the modern digital world.

Contact Us Today!

Enhance your telecom services and elevate your financial offerings with Estel. Get in touch to discover how our innovative solutions can broaden your customer base, stimulate expansion, and enrich client engagement.

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