Estel DMS: Empowering Your Telecom Distribution Network, Expanding Your Horizons

Welcome to the future of distributor management with Estel DMS, where efficiency meets innovation. Our system is designed to revolutionize your telecom distribution chain, offering unparalleled control from partner onboarding to customer lifecycle processes. With Estel DMS, you gain access to cutting-edge technology to  manage distribution network seamlessly with key insights into stocks levels, sales,  inventory management, role based access, and field sales productivity. Embrace the power of a streamlined, efficient telecom distribution network and propel your business into a new era of growth and success. Join us, and let's redefine the possibilities of telecom distributor management together.

Estel's Distributor Management System (DMS) is a robust solution that automates the sales and distribution operations for Telecom Operators. It manages the complete distribution chain, encompassing partner, distributor, sub-distributor, retailer, and field sales agent operations. It excels in handling Serialized, Non-Serialized, physical and logical inventories.

Our system streamlines the onboarding of various distributor users, enabling precise role and territory assignments for efficient management. Additionally, it offers real-time tracking of field agent locations and sales, providing administrators with essential insights for enhanced operational decision-making. This comprehensive approach ensures streamlined partner management and operational efficiency.

Estel’s Distribution Management System (DMS) is designed with the architectural pattern that allows decomposition of the application into logical set of micro-services which enables feature level scalability, faster feature deployment and cloud readiness.

Key Features

Distribution Hierarchy Management

Define territories and policies to organize, manage, and augment your sales network efficiently.

User-Friendly GUI

Roles-based access and sales territory definition for ease of use.

Onboarding Partners

On-the-move onboarding as per defined KYC policies.

Inventory Management

Track and automate stock movement from warehouse to various levels in real-time.

Stock Visibility

Real-time stock visibility at multiple levels.

Flexible Commission Engine

Reward based on position and performance.

Comprehensive Salesforce Management

Empowering Field sales, Define Roster, Route management, Geo-tagging, Geo-fencing, and responsibilities for each dealer visit.

Sales Management

Manage Sales Ordering, Sales Requisitions, Returns, Exchanges, and Cancellations for dealers and subscribers/customers.

Wallet and Finance Management

Simplify credits and payments  with automatic settlement.

Product Management

Ensure efficiency and accuracy in managing various products.

User Role Management

User role management in Estel DMS is a key aspect, emphasizing role-based access control. Each user is granted specific roles, defining their access to certain features. The system's flexibility allows for the creation and configuration of roles, ensuring they can be tailored to meet evolving business needs. Roles can be modified at any point to align with changing requirements and reassigned to users.

Customer Management

The customer enrollment feature in Estel DMS streamlines the integration of distributors and retailers into the network. This process is facilitated by Direct Sales Partners (DSPs), who can enroll customers using web or SMS-based inputs. The system's capability to assign standard credit limits to customers aids in the smooth running of their businesses. DSPs further enhance the service by selling materials to retailers or sub-distributors, managing credit issues, and overseeing payment collections.

Loan/Issue Credit to Customers

Credits (or Loans) are issued to customers by the DSP through the web or SMS channel. Credits are issued against the Standard Credit Limit (SCL) assigned to customers, enabling them to purchase materials from DSPs and further sell them to end customers.

Be Future-Ready 

Estel DMS is committed to evolving with the ever-changing landscape of telecom network operations. Our future-ready features are designed to anticipate market trends, enhance customer engagement, and ensure seamless scalability. With advanced AI-driven analytics, enhanced mobile capabilities, and robust API integrations, Estel DMS empowers your telecom distribution network to stay ahead of the curve and achieve sustained growth and efficiency. 

AI-Driven Analytics

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to gain deeper insights into your distribution network. Future updates to Estel DMS will include advanced predictive analytics, helping you anticipate market trends, optimize inventory levels, and personalize customer interactions.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Future iterations of Estel DMS will offer enhanced customer engagement tools, including personalized marketing campaigns, automated customer support via chatbots, and detailed customer behaviour analytics.

Cloud-Native Microservices

Building on our microservices architecture, Estel DMS will continue to evolve as a cloud-native solution, offering seamless scalability, high availability, and robust disaster recovery options. This ensures your distribution network is always running at peak performance.

Advanced Mobile Capabilities

Future updates will bring advanced mobile capabilities, allowing field agents to manage sales, inventory, and customer interactions from any location. Mobile dashboards will provide real-time insights and enable swift decision-making on the go.

Customizable and Scalable Solutions

Estel DMS will continue to offer highly customizable and scalable solutions to grow with your business. Future releases will include even more flexible configuration options to meet the unique needs of your expanding telecom network.

Robust API Ecosystem

An extensive API ecosystem will enable seamless integration with other enterprise systems, including ERP, CRM, and marketing automation platforms. This ensures your distribution network is fully interconnected and operating at maximum efficiency.

Continuous Learning and Support

We are committed to providing ongoing learning and support resources, including regular webinars, training modules, and a dedicated support team. Future enhancements will include AI-powered support tools for faster issue resolution and proactive system maintenance.

Explore the potential of Estel DMS and transform your distribution network into a well-oiled machine. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey towards unparalleled efficiency and growth.

What’s new

Embrace the future of voucher management with Estel's VMS platform, which harnesses the advanced analytics, cloud technology, and microservices architecture to revolutionize your business operations. By choosing Estel's VMS, you can benefit from:

  • Scalable cloud-ready deployment, ensuring flexibility and adaptability
  • Microservices architecture for high availability and seamless integration
  • Advanced analytics for predictive forecasting and targeted marketing strategies

Elevate your voucher management process and gain a competitive advantage with Estel's state-of-the-art VMS platform.

Contact Us Today!

Enhance your telecom services and elevate your financial offerings with Estel. Get in touch to discover how our innovative solutions can broaden your customer base, stimulate expansion, and enrich client engagement.

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