E-TopUp and E-Voucher Platform

Estel’s Prepaid Recharge Solutions (eTopUp and e-Voucher) enable mobile operators & service providers to shorten time to market by offering end-to-end prepaid recharge solutions. We offer secure, easy to roll out and easy to use methods of recharge, with very high levels of reliability, scalability and performance including features such as:

Managing agents

Defining commissions

Managing bonuses

Setting business rules

Managing prepaid products

Enabling mobile recharge via multiple channels & payment methods

Our electronic top up (e-Top Up) and e-Voucher solutions make it easy to efficiently manage your recharge business while delivering a consistently superior customer experience and service. Elevate Your Customer Experience with Estel Best-in-Class eTop-Up Solution.

What’s new

World Leader

We are the global leader in eTop-Up solutions, trusted by major telecom operators worldwide.

Robust Technology

Microservices architecture guarantees scalability, flexibility for peak performance.

DevOps at the Core

We leverage DevOps practices for rapid development, deployment, and continuous improvement, ensuring your platform stays ahead of the curve and launch services at speed.

Unique Advantages of Estel’s Prepaid Recharge Solutions:

Easier BPM : Manage the entire delivery chain including commissions to agents, dealers etc without human interface

High TPS rate ensures better customer experience & faster transactions

Better Business Intelligence: Identify top performers in your chain and better manage incentive  programmes

Reduced Cost Per Transaction (CPT)

Components of E-TopUp and E-Voucher Platform

1. PIN-less Top Up Solution for single & multi-operator

Our technology enables operators of Prepaid Services to offer voucher-less recharge, with no PINs & no restrictions on denominations.

The e-Top up service can be operated either by:

  • The Prepaid Operator themselves for recharge of their service, or,
  • A 3rd party Service Provider who distributes service recharge of either a single or multiple operators under a distribution agreement with them.

The platform supports prepaid services recharge for multiple prepaid services such as mobile, internet, TV, toll, prepaid electricity, etc.), via both models - B2B (distribution via a hierarchical network of agents), or self service recharge (B2C).

Our B2C module enables subscribers of prepaid services to recharge their own or another prepaid account using a m-App, web portal or Kiosk, and making payment via any mode of e-payment (cards, direct bank debit, m-Wallet account, gift cards, loyalty points…).

This platform can be easily upgraded to offer bill payment services using the same IT infrastructure, and same network of agents (B2B model) or via additional tabs in B2C model; this enables service providers to earn additional revenues using their investment in the Estel Prepaid Recharge platform.

Benefits of Electronic Top Up (eTopUp):

  • No PINs, thus no restrictions on recharge denomination; any value recharge!
  • Implementation of e-Top Up solution eliminates use of scratch cards and their risks & costs
  • Merchants selling prepaid mobile recharge purchase airtime value (not PINs), reducing ‘stock out risk’ for fast moving items
  • No risk of theft or damage to stock, as merchant inventory sits in a m-wallet on server
  • Retailers use their mobile phones to buy & sell airtime top up anytime, anywhere

No PINs, thus no restrictions on recharge denomination; any value recharge!

Implementation of e-Top Up solution eliminates use of scratch cards and their risks & costs

Merchants selling prepaid mobile recharge purchase airtime value (not PINs), reducing ‘stock out risk’ for fast moving items

No risk of theft or damage to stock, as merchant inventory sits in a m-wallet on server

Retailers use their mobile phones to buy & sell airtime top up anytime, anywhere

2. Single & Multi Operator e-Voucher Solution

In some countries, Voucher based recharge is a preferred way to recharge prepaid services.

Our e-Voucher technology enables service providers to distribute e-PINs via their merchants, using multiple devices to either print the e-PIN at the point of sale, or, send the e-PIN by SMS to the customer. This potential outsourcing of e-voucher distribution to service providers opens up new & exciting opportunities for them, who can distribute e-Vouchers of multiple services & operators on the same infrastructure, to earn additional revenues.

Our e-Voucher system easily upgrades to full eTopUp enabling operators of Prepaid Services to offer voucher less recharge, with no PINs & no restrictions on denominations.

Benefits of e-Voucher

  • Service Operators need not print scratch cards & incur logistics for distribution, saving significant cost
  • Service Operators can track all e-PIN recharge sales to the last distribution point
  • Our e-Voucher solution reduces fraud and fake, lost, damaged, and stolen vouchers

Service Operators need not print scratch cards & incur logistics for distribution, saving significant cost

Service Operators can track all e-PIN recharge sales to the last distribution point

Our e-Voucher solution reduces fraud and fake, lost, damaged, and stolen vouchers

The e-Voucher solution also offers benefits for retailers:

  • Retailers can purchase either value based stock, or individual PINs, thus managing their working capital as they deem fit
  • They can operate either on line or off line, thus managing working capital efficiently
  • No risk of theft or damage to stock, as the inventory sits electronically in a wallet / device

Retailers can purchase either value based stock, or individual PINs, thus managing their working capital as they deem fit

They can operate either on line or off line, thus managing working capital efficiently

No risk of theft or damage to stock, as the inventory sits electronically in a wallet / device

3. Bill Aggregation and Payment Solution

Service providers can offer a comprehensive bill presentment & payment service for:

  • Multiple billers
  • In either or both, B2C (self payment), or B2B (distribution via a hierarchical network of agents) mode
  • In B2B mode, agents can utilize their ‘common’ working capital (wallet balance) to sell both prepaid recharge & bill payment services

Multiple billers

In either or both, B2C (self payment), or B2B (distribution via a hierarchical network of agents) mode

In B2B mode, agents can utilize their ‘common’ working capital (wallet balance) to sell both prepaid recharge & bill payment services

Multiple billers can easily be on-boarded, and their Bills can be uploaded into the system at varying frequencies and formats, with notifications to subscribers, who can then pay either themselves using any mode of e-Payment (cards, direct bank debit, m-Wallet account), or in cash at authorized agents. A reconciliation module is available, with drill down capability to transaction level for dispute management.

Features & Benefits

Estel’s Prepaid Recharge Solutions (eTopUp and e-Voucher) enable mobile operators & service providers to shorten time to market by offering end-to-end prepaid recharge solutions. We offer secure, easy to roll out and easy to use methods of recharge, with very high levels of reliability, scalability and performance including features such as:

Omni-Channel Accessibility:

Our multi-channel support encapsulates STK, USSD, SMS, m-Apps, Web & Mobile Portal, and APIs - SOAP/REST, ensuring customers enjoy seamless recharge experience over their preferred channel.

Effortless Management & Monitoring:

Our browser-based management interface coupled with role-based access control, and a wide array of reporting/monitoring tools, empowers operators with an insightful and effortless monitoring and management experience.

Bespoke Business Adaptability:

With configurable, customized business rules and easy API integrations, rule the market dynamics effortlessly while ensuring seamless communication with existing telecom and IT infrastructures.

Scalable and Future-Ready Architecture:

Our solutions are built on a microservices architecture with auto-scaling and elastic capabilities, ensuring you're ready to scale in/out more efficiently as per market demands while maintaining high availability and performance.

Secure & Transparent Transactions:

From mPIN authenticated recharges to encrypted transaction data, we prioritize security. Real-time SMS notifications and a comprehensive audit trail further augment transaction transparency and accountability.

Simplified Bulk and Offline Recharging:

Cater to all customer segments efficiently with features like bulk recharge (corporate recharge) and transactions over offline channels, i.e. SMS, USSD, ensuring service availability even in the remote areas..

Real-Time Promotional Engagements:

Leverage real-time promotion and campaign features to encourage distribution agents fostering loyalty and stimulating usage.

Enhanced Digital Distribution Networks:

Complete control over digital distribution network and channels providing end-to-end visibility and tools to monitor and stimulate distribution agent performance.

Global Language Support:

Multilingual support ensures a wider reach and better user engagement across diverse geographies.

What’s New

Microservices Architecture 
Highly Robust & Scalable 
Flexible & Customizable 
Open Source Friendly Solutions

Our approach 

At Estel, we firmly believe that at the heart of every technological innovation should be a singular focus: simplifying lives. Our approach is deeply rooted in understanding the evolving needs of both telecom operators and their customers. This human-centric approach underlines every phase of our development process, from conceptualization to deployment and support.

Customer-Centric Innovation:

Our journey begins with an in-depth understanding of our clients' challenges and ambitions. This customer-centric focus allows us to develop solutions that not only solve today’s challenges but are agile enough to meet tomorrow’s demands. 

Accelerated Development Timelines:

In a fast-paced industry, staying ahead is crucial. Our streamlined Agile DevSecOps development processes, coupled with a team of seasoned professionals, ensure that we deliver cutting-edge solutions on accelerated timelines. Our clients benefit from quicker time-to-market, giving them a competitive edge.

Collaborative Ecosystem:

We foster a collaborative ecosystem where feedback from our clients and their customers is integral. This feedback loop informs our iterative development process, leading to solutions that are continually refined and updated to meet the changing market dynamics.

To summarize, our approach isn’t just about providing solutions; it’s about forging lasting partnerships, nurturing growth, and contributing to a more connected and inclusive digital future. 

With Estel, you're not just choosing a vendor; you're choosing a partner devoted to propelling your success in an ever-evolving telecom landscape.

World view

In the contemporary telecommunications landscape, ensuring a seamless and accessible recharge solution is paramount to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. E-Topup, by bridging the gap between telecom operators and subscribers through digital channels, emerges as an indispensable asset. E-Top Up propels telecom operators to new heights of operational excellence and customer engagement.

E-Topup steps in as a digital bridge between telecom operators and subscribers, making recharging a breeze. It's all about giving your customers a seamless experience whenever they need a top-up, anywhere, anytime. No more fumbling with physical scratch cards or vouchers. Through self-topup options (e.g. web, mApp, bank, ATM, wallets) or through the nearest recharge partner, E-Top Up means instant recharge at their fingertips, shining a modern, customer-friendly light on your brand.

Switching to E-Top Up isn’t just about modernizing. It’s about smart saving too. It cuts down the nitty-gritty costs tied to traditional recharge methods, putting a positive spin on your balance sheets. But the savings don’t stop at logistics; rolling out real-time promotions to spark up recharges or launching new product offerings faster, puts you ahead in the race. And as telecom operators simplify the recharge journey, a goldmine of useful data opens up for advanced Data analytics and fine tuning of the services. 

It helps telecom operators understand customers better, plan sharper marketing strategies, and expand subscriber base. Strong security architecture of  E-Top Up ensures every transaction is safe, building a circle of trust with your customers. Plus, it’s designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing telecom and IT setup, offering a bouquet of recharge channels to customers for a hassle-free recharge experience. 

With E-Top Up, it’s not just about keeping up with the digital tide, it’s about riding it to a realm of endless possibilities and satisfied customers.

Value Proposition:

In a world where uninterrupted  connectivity has become a necessity of life, a seamless recharge mechanism is a must have for Telcos to recharge prepaid accounts.   Estel offers the premier platform for Backed by Robust Technology, distinguished by its ability to rapidly launch new products at speed.

Our state-of-the-art e-Top Up, e-Voucher, and Voucher Management solutions are tailored to empower operators with the ability to deliver instant, any-value recharge services anytime, anywhere. Embracing a global footprint, Estel is redefining the mobile recharge and bill payment  landscape with robust, scalable, and flexible solutions, offering enriched customer experiences and heightened distribution efficiencies.

Never run out of credit or data again! Estel e-top upplatform offers a fast, secure, and convenient way to top up your mobile phone,internet, and other prepaid services anytime, anywhere.  Backed by Robust technology and years of experience, withinstant top-ups, multiple payment options, and exclusive deals and ability tolaunch services or product at speed makes Estel the best platform offering inthe world.

Value Proposition:

In a world where uninterrupted  connectivity has become a necessity of life, a seamless recharge mechanism is a must have for Telcos to recharge prepaid accounts.   Estel offers the premier platform for Backed by Robust Technology, distinguished by its ability to rapidly launch new products at speed.

Our state-of-the-art e-Top Up, e-Voucher, and Voucher Management solutions are tailored to empower operators with the ability to deliver instant, any-value recharge services anytime, anywhere. Embracing a global footprint, Estel is redefining the mobile recharge and bill payment  landscape with robust, scalable, and flexible solutions, offering enriched customer experiences and heightened distribution efficiencies.

Never run out of credit or data again! Estel e-top upplatform offers a fast, secure, and convenient way to top up your mobile phone,internet, and other prepaid services anytime, anywhere.  Backed by Robust technology and years of experience, withinstant top-ups, multiple payment options, and exclusive deals and ability tolaunch services or product at speed makes Estel the best platform offering inthe world.

What’s new

Embrace the future of voucher management with Estel's VMS platform, which harnesses the advanced analytics, cloud technology, and microservices architecture to revolutionize your business operations. By choosing Estel's VMS, you can benefit from:

  • Scalable cloud-ready deployment, ensuring flexibility and adaptability
  • Microservices architecture for high availability and seamless integration
  • Advanced analytics for predictive forecasting and targeted marketing strategies

Elevate your voucher management process and gain a competitive advantage with Estel's state-of-the-art VMS platform.

In a world where uninterrupted  connectivity has become a necessity of life, a seamless recharge mechanism is a must have for Telcos to recharge prepaid accounts.   Estel offers the premier platform for Backed by Robust Technology, distinguished by its ability to rapidly launch new products at speed.

Our state-of-the-art e-Top Up, e-Voucher, and Voucher Management solutions are tailored to empower operators with the ability to deliver instant, any-value recharge services anytime, anywhere. Embracing a global footprint, Estel is redefining the mobile recharge and bill payment  landscape with robust, scalable, and flexible solutions, offering enriched customer experiences and heightened distribution efficiencies.

Never run out of credit or data again! Estel e-top upplatform offers a fast, secure, and convenient way to top up your mobile phone,internet, and other prepaid services anytime, anywhere.  Backed by Robust technology and years of experience, withinstant top-ups, multiple payment options, and exclusive deals and ability tolaunch services or product at speed makes Estel the best platform offering inthe world.

What is an eTopUp (E-Top Up) platform?

An e-top up Platform is enabler of an essential digital service that allows customers to conveniently add credit or data to your prepaid mobile phone without the need for physical scratch cards. Every time when you added balance or credit to your phone number, you essentially went through a eTop Up platform. At times Customers recharge their prepaid accounts or pay postpaid bills instantly by paying cash over the counter to agents paying with any form of e-money (bank, cards or wallets).

This is accomplished through integration with operator IN and/or Billing platforms and transactions requested over various digital channels such as web portals, mobile applications, SMS, USSD, STK, ATM, Mobile Banking etc, and with payment gateways to collect e-money. 

These platforms are deployed by telecom operators to streamline the recharge process, making it easier, faster, and more convenient for both the operators and their subscribers. The platform is especially useful in developing countries where a significant chunk of mobile user base is from the prepaid segment.

Contact Us Today!

Enhance your telecom services and elevate your financial offerings with Estel. Get in touch to discover how our innovative solutions can broaden your customer base, stimulate expansion, and enrich client engagement.

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